You’ve probably heard me say this before. Worry is a prayer in reverse. It’s true. Yet, we find ample opportunity to worry. Worry about what might go wrong . . . Worry about something bad that might happen again.

Worry is effortless.

It takes no effort to find ourselves stuck in the morass of worry and fear. Our brain naturally goes there. Our ancestors used worry to keep themselves safe. The lived through a wolf attack. Would a wolf attack again? They had to be on guard about that. That worry kept them alive.

We don’t have to worry about those same kinds of things. We worry about whether someone will not like me if I speak up. We worry whether we have enough money to pay the bills. We worry whether our health will get better . . . or worse.

Worry takes energy from us. It doesn’t help us get creative in finding ways to pay those bills nor does it help us heal. It draws from us rather than giving us anything!

Prayer on the other hand, works wonders.

Yet, we have make time to pray . . . or at least we think we do1

Yes, those beautiful moments of serenity when we can speak with Divine Source open and unafraid are truly awesome. Yet, how long does it take to worry? Only a second!

Our prayers can be just as immediate, just as quick, and just as powerful in a good way. As our thoughts of, “Oh, no, this could go wrong” come up, we can shift them and instantly pray, “Help me.” “Show me the next step.” “Help, please?”

Just because we don’t languish over a lengthy prologue to address the Almighty, doesn’t mean that we aren’t heard. On the contrary! When we shift into the mode to address Divine Source, Divine Source is already noticing and listening and most likely moving things into action in our behalf.

I am often amazed that I can utter a quick prayer for assistance and within moments something happens to let me know that Divine Source has already been acting in my behalf.

One day, I was having a bad day. Depression was kicking my butt. I knew it was a chemical imbalance and I was doing my part to shift that with supplements and nutrition. At the same time, I was really struggling to get my head above water.

I prayed the simple prayer, “Help me,” then went on with my scheduled activities for the day. Within a half hour – less than a half hour!! – I heard the doorbell. Thinking it was my grandson coming by to pick up something up, I opened the door to an amazing bouquet of flowers! They were sent by a friend whom I hadn’t spoken with in quite a while because she had moved to Montana! Know what the card said? Something like, “I felt like you needed a pick-me-up today. Love you!”

All That Is, knew the depths of my struggles before I did. All That Is awakened compassion in a friend hours before I needed it. All That Is touched a heart hundreds of miles away.

We neglect to pray because we fear we are not giving Divine Source honor or reverence. Those prayers-on-the-fly are heard!! Those prayers-on-the-fly are answered!

If you know who you are talking to, Divine Source (All That Is, Holy One, Lord, Creator, God, Loving Spirit of Light – whatever works for you) knows who you are talking to as well! Prayers-on-the-fly yield answers-on-the-fly!