The VisioningYour Ascension Journey has taken you far. Your willingness to awaken into your own life has been a powerful process. You’re The Visioning
This Now MomentThe moment of Awakening is now. The time of expanded awareness is now. The day of healing is now. In this This Now Moment
Energy BreezeA gentle breeze is blowing. Not a physical breeze, yet a flow or movement of energy breezing by. This energy comes Energy Breeze
Golden LightGolden moments await your attention. These golden moments are not unique in and of themselves . . . more of the Golden Light
The Flow and GlowYour weary heart draws near to Divine Source for comfort. How very wise of you!Your distressed eyes seek the Light of The Flow and Glow
Truly RestingAs a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis it must wait to fly until after it's wings unfold and dry. How does Truly Resting
Your Light-WalkYou are walking in the Light, Dear One.Your journey may feel dark because there, indeed, is darkness in your world. Just Your Light-Walk
Awakened PeaceYour sacred path leads you - not away from your challenges - but through them. You may feel as if you Awakened Peace
Buoyancy HopeYour ascension path leads you into Hope. Hope is the positive anticipation of fulfillment of dreams, longings, and desires. Hope is Buoyancy Hope
Assisting the UnfoldingEnergy is shifting. Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you experience it? This shift of energy is happening Assisting the Unfolding
Shifting PerspectivesWhat is your heart looking forward to happening? What is your mind looking forward to achieving? What is your soul looking Shifting Perspectives
Bridging the GapYou will bridge the gap today. There are many gaps of which we speak. Which one will you choose to bridge?There Bridging the Gap
Energy ParticlesNote: This message was chanelled in the Spring of 2021. The energy they refer to has now been gifted to us. Your Energy Particles
Your Faith-TruthWe long to share with you the value of your worth. You have great value, Dear One!Yet, you seek your value Your Faith-Truth
A Joyful NudgeEnergy exists around you. Can you sense it?With an open heart, you expanded awareness can sense the energy. Some miss this A Joyful Nudge
The Success PathThe physical realm and the spiritual realm work together in your behalf. Though they are separate, they are not two separate The Success Path
Hope ReturnsIt is Spring in the physical world in this time and place that we are speaking with you now. Whether it Hope Returns
Re-engage into JoyOn one hand, it appears that days, hours, moments slip by so very quickly. Things that happened years ago feel like Re-engage into Joy
Spiritual StrengtheningSpiritual strengthening comes to you now.This strengthening flows to you directly from Divine Source. This strengthening is easy to receive through Spiritual Strengthening
Breathe and GrowTimes are changing. It is time to change. Change from what into what? Change from what you are not into what Breathe and Grow
Wisdom of LightAn intuitive wisdom now flows to you. This wisdom extends beyond memory or learned experiences. This wisdom is Divinely sent. This Wisdom of Light