Just Ask.  (We apologize that the camera turned off. The audio still provides the full services.) Just ask - sometimes we have difficulty asking for help. Let's look at that. Guided Meditation: Road to Shambala.

Guided Meditation: Road to Shambala
1. Gift to fellow traveler = what you need right now
a. Food = Spiritual nourishment - read spiritual stuff, talk about spiritual stuff, share insights with others
b. Clothing = Feeling safe - find and be with your spiritual tribe
c. Orb of Light = Deepening spiritual connection - pray, meditation, mindfulness in nature will help
2. Gift to another fellow traveler = action to take
a. Map = either make a new plan or revise the old plan or reset your goal
b. Tool = take action with guidance
c. Song bird = give voice to your goal/dream/vision - what does your goal/dream/vision say to you?
3. The gift you received will give you an idea of the blessings coming to you now! Receive with gratitude.