Look anew at the circumstances that distress you.

Look again at the perceptions that filter your world.

Take a fresh look at belief systems that direct your path.

We suggest this because it's possible to over look the truth as it becomes buried under oceans of doubt, fear, and judgment.

Dive deep within yourself while shining the spotlight of love on those unfathomable issues. You may think you are thinking "correctly" while your perceptions may be filtering out the things that could bring you more joy, prosperity, and fulfillment!

How does one dive deeply into the awareness? Choose to. Choose to be aware. The wonderful thing is that frustrations, aggravations, and sorrows often spring up to reveal where the disconnection exists. The very thing humans run from is the very thing that can bring them more awareness. Humans avoid pain and stress to their own detriment. Diving deeply into this discomfort yields new awarenesses and from that awareness - FREEDOM!

When an aggravation threatens to obstruct your progress, stop and take a look at it. That which is an aggravation is telling you that either you are no longer in alignment with the situation or that it's time to align into the situation. Aggravated at traffic? Align to the situation. People are confined to a limited space and are given directives to arrive at specific times. Each person in traffic has the same basic need - Freedom - which the circumstances forbid. One cannot drive at any old speed. One cannot drive off the roadway. One cannot crown another person out of the way by ramming.

Safety forbids these actions. Yet, humans, in their struggle for perceived dominance do these things! Whether you see these actions in others or you tend to do these things yourself, consider this. The circumstances are binding. Noticing the bindings allows you to journey without the need to struggle or be aggravated. When others struggle against their bindings, you can know that they feel bound up in many aspects of their life.

Freedom is a state of mind. A state of being. . . that exists beyond one's current circumstances.

We bring this freedom mind-set to you for your consideration. You can choose to feel aggravated while being in a binding situation or you can feel the freedom to consider the lillies of the field or jam out to your favorite tunes while you live within the bindings safety requires.

We hope you choose freedom. You will find us there.