Guidance exists all around us. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, insights reveal themselves to us. Why can’t we see or experience this?
Because blocks stand in our way. Expectations cloud our perceptions. Judgments disrupt our expanded awareness. Worry shrouds the Light. Irritation dampens the embers of true insight.
How do we get clear?

As many things put a lid on our Divine Connection, many things open up our Divine Connection! They key rests in finding one’s own opener. For some, meditation works wonders. For others taking a walk in nature opens spiritual doors. Have you discovered what works for you?
Often, we find ourselves in situations that require insight, yet the blocks lock us down and insights illude us. Taking a moment to ASK for insight might be enough to create a crack in the shroud sufficiently for Divine Connection to break through and bring the insight and guidance required. But, alas, we forget to ask! We attempt to power through and make things happen with our own energy and will—which blesses the situation greatly! Yet, on our own, we limit ourselves. Divine Connection and Divine Intervention bless the situation with power and blessings we cannot conceive of on our own!
So, maybe even before we ASK, perhaps just noticing the stuck-ness we feel in our heart and mind opens the doors. Darn! Admitting I’m stuck . . . That’s the catch!
If I’m in a quandary about something, here’s my sign that I’m not connected in—I’m not receiving Divine Insights. Divine Insights allow me to take the next step without fear and without distress. I’m debating within myself when I’m not listening to Divine Guidance. With Divine Guidance, debate vanishes. Truth remains. The truth of the next step. The truth of the situation. The truth of the opportunities reveal themselves. Sometimes the opportunity resides in waiting. We resist the message to wait because, again, we feel better when we take action—even incorrect action feels better than waiting.
So, give yourself permission to not have to know the answer. Give yourself permission to not have to take any action. Just “be” for a moment. Notice the things around you. Does any object stand out in your awareness? Is it leaning or standing alone or in a group of similar objects or different objects? Whatever caught your eye may reveal a message to you. Ponder that for a moment. Say to yourself, “I wonder what message that object has for me?”
Allow yourself a moment to ponder. In that moment of pondering with open curiosity, Divine Source connects in and brings sacred insight! You intuitively know! Trust this!