Your awakened self now experiences life with new perceptions, expanded awareness, and new vision. This vision is not only the sacred perceptions of the future you are calling into existence, this vision also clears your perceptions of life around you.
You are now seeing with the eyes of your heart-of-hearts along with your physical eyes.

Two people can see totally different details of the same experience based on each mindset and each perspective. With the eyes of your heart-of-hearts, you see as God sees - you see with Divine Perspective. This is not the eyes of judgment. No. Rather this is the perception of light, love, and beauty.
Your heart-of-hearts perceives these qualities even in people you personally don't like. Your heart-of-hearts perceives these qualities even in situations that you don't like.
Your eyes of the heart-of-hearts tunes in beyond the physical seeing and the physical knowing and discovers a whole new layer of awareness and insight.
You can see the spark of light (how ever dim it might be) within these people and situations. It is these perceptions that allow even more light to enter those beings - those arenas.
As you awaken the eyes of your heart-of-hearts, you more and more perceive the beauty around you.
Take a moment and notice where you are now. Now close your eyes for a moment and tune in to your heart-of-hearts . . . you will recognize it when peace settles over your awareness. Now open your eyes and "see" what your heart-of-hearts would like you to perceive in this moment. Experience the Light, Love, and Beauty that your heart-of-hearts perceives. Sense it with your whole body.
Now turn this noticing towards yourself. View yourself from this sacred perspective. What do you see? Break through your old patterns of judgment of yourself and notice the Light, Love, and Beauty that resides here.
We see it. We see your Light, Love, and Beauty.