Your Ascension PathYou, in this moment exist in your physical realm and within the spiritual realms. In the physical realm, you experience your Your Ascension Path
Revealing a Lost PerspectiveAs this day unfolds - or as it closes in rest, notice where you are right now - in this moment. Revealing a Lost Perspective
Seeing with Your HeartYou see with your eyes and judge with your mind.We ask you to look, for now, with your heart-of-hearts at everything Seeing with Your Heart
Your Heart’s FulfillmentYour heart longs for fulfillment. Yet, you might not know what that is or how that looks. What the heart finds Your Heart’s Fulfillment
Tender StrengtheningAs a New Year unfolds before you, we encourage you to release yesterday's disappointments and sorrows while claiming yesterday's insights and Tender Strengthening
Choosing To CreateThere is time and there is space for the things that matter. Take the time to choose which things matter for Choosing To Create
Walk in the Light of TruthAs this day unfolds, you are living your truth.Truth is not only the accurate words spoken with a sincere heart, it Walk in the Light of Truth
Call to FreedomYou are being called.Into what? You might ask.Into conscious awareness and into your own life. We see how the stresses of Call to Freedom
The Garden of Your HeartWhatever the physical season, the garden of your heart ever blooms with radiance and the sweet fragrance of gratitude.Though your physical The Garden of Your Heart
Winter – The Festive Season of HealingThis festive season on Earth holds great energy for healing.Yes, we also see the sorrow and the trauma generated around this Winter – The Festive Season of Healing
We Walk with YouWe are here.We are in this moment.Whatever you choose to engage in, we walk with you.Our purpose is not to control We Walk with You
HopeYou hold on to disappointments as if they were precious to you. Disappointments and the hurt that ensues obstructs your spiritual Hope
The Spark of ChangeThere is a war waging within you.Part of you knows that you have sacred value and a distinct purpose to fulfill The Spark of Change
Your Soul Hears Your Heart-of-HeartsYour Heart-of -Hearts speaks to you. It speaks to you all day long. Can you hear it? Can you perceive it?It Your Soul Hears Your Heart-of-Hearts
Habituated PatternsHabituated patterns embed themselves into your life. This is neither right nor wrong. It just is. However, some of those habituated Habituated Patterns
TodayToday is here now. Are you here within it? Is your awareness lagging behind in the past or scampering ahead of Today
Shift Your FilterThe human capacity for filtering information is profound. Scientific studies yield opposing viewpoints depending upon the ones interpreting the evidence.Two people Shift Your Filter
Finding your Sacred SelfWe wish to convey to you how powerful you are.We wish to convey to you how magnificent you are.We wish to Finding your Sacred Self
Filling the HeartYou've heard the call to follow your heart. However, before you follow your heart, it requires filling. An empty heart leads Filling the Heart
Your Heart’s SongWe honor you on your journey thus far. You walk with Light in your heart and in your awareness. Only a Your Heart’s Song
Words Create OpportunityGateways, doorways, bridges, stepping stones, highways, trails, paths, stairways - all describe an aspect or detail of a journey.In some journeys, Words Create Opportunity